Monday, February 27, 2006

Sweet Slumber

I knelt by your bedside
Memories of sweeter days
Running through my head
As I sat beside you
Nothing from my mouth
Could be said
You were so weak and frail
Your hand lay gently in mine
All I could do was sit quietly
Thinking the words would come in time
And then I sang to you
The words rolled off my tongue
When I came to you
I thought nothing could be done
My eyes still shed their tears
But feelings changed
Peace was felt
No more fears, No more fears
The words I sang
Spoke peace to my heart
They helped me accept
That we could be apart
Let me sit awhile
And watch you slumber
As the angels file in
In countless number
Soon they will take you
And I will sit alone
So for now
I will sing to you this song:
"There let the way appear
Steps unto heav'n
All that thou sendest me
In mercy giv'n
Angels to beckon me
Nearer my God to thee
Nearer my God to thee
Nearer to thee!"


Anonymous said...

This one is so perfect, it makes me think of Oma. It made me think of the peace I felt as I went in her room, she was gone, but it was a sweet, quiet feeling.

Anonymous said...

I loved this one. Life experiences & learning are amazing! The more you experience, the more you understand God. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful poem. It brings back so many memories of the sadness and loneliness I would see in little Oma's eyes until her prayer was answered and her family finally came to get her and take her home. Peace and love surrounded her and us as we stood at her side and said good-bye for now. My Robyn, great job!

Tiff and Rand said...

This poem is so comforting to me. You explain such a bitter sweet moment so beautifully. I remember standing in Oma's room and it was just me and either you or Juli, sorry, I can't remember. Anyway, I remember how crowded Oma's room felt, even though visiually there were just the three of us but I know there were alot more that we couldn't see. There definately is a Heaven, what a comfort to know that, huh? Great poem, neat memories. Good Job, and thank you.

Jenni S said...

Beautiful! sniff, sniff. I haven't had a good cry for a while, it feels good. Thanks. :)